Thursday, 15.11.2007.


Shootout at Kosovo administrative line

One person died in a shootout last night between the checkpoints at Ribarić and Brnjak.

Izvor: FoNet

Shootout at Kosovo administrative line IMAGE SOURCE

4 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

Ratko, did you see the word Albanian mentioned anywhere in the article, or were you trained by Pavlov to associate any violence in Kosovo with Albanians?


pre 16 godina

I hope perpetrators will be soon found and taken inot the custody. I also hope that UNMIK and KPS will take all the necessary steps in order to investigate the case properly.


pre 16 godina

Ratko, did you see the word Albanian mentioned anywhere in the article, or were you trained by Pavlov to associate any violence in Kosovo with Albanians?


pre 16 godina

I hope perpetrators will be soon found and taken inot the custody. I also hope that UNMIK and KPS will take all the necessary steps in order to investigate the case properly.


pre 16 godina

Ratko, did you see the word Albanian mentioned anywhere in the article, or were you trained by Pavlov to associate any violence in Kosovo with Albanians?


pre 16 godina

I hope perpetrators will be soon found and taken inot the custody. I also hope that UNMIK and KPS will take all the necessary steps in order to investigate the case properly.